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Introducing "Genesis Coin" – a meme token that reveres Satoshi Nakamoto's vision by incorporating the legendary Bitcoin code. In a crypto landscape teeming with memes, this token stands out as a homage to the originator of digital currency. Satoshi Nakamoto's legacy inspires countless individuals, and Genesis Coin encapsulates his pioneering work within its digital framework. This token takes us back to the genesis block, where Bitcoin's history began, showcasing its respect for the core principles of decentralization and innovation. Genesis Coin isn't just another meme; it's a tribute to the genius that started it all, reminding us of the boundless potential of blockchain technology and the enduring impact of Satoshi's vision.



• Total Supply: XX $GENESIS

• Buys will be taxed X%

• Sells will be taxed X%

• Ownership Renounced

• LP Locked